“Mommy,I don’t know what to wear!”
The frustration was clear in our 7 year old daughter’s voice.Quite the norm for Kyra, always wanting to look pretty everywhere shegoes. Even at home playing with her dolls, or while rough housing with herbrothers or jumping over chairs.
At this point some parents would just fling openthe wardrobe doors and rummage through all clothes hanging, folded and hidden in the drawers. Either that, or just let the kid choose theirown clothes, normally with much mumbling and grumbling until a suitably cuteoutfit is found …often half an hour, or more, later.
Wetook the cue from her and sat down to design a set of clothes that was bothstylish and comfortable that she could wear at home to play or for trips to themall, and in which she could even just fall asleep with after a long day at thegrandparents. As luck would have it, we knew a friend who could sew pretty welland another who could provide us with beautiful cotton batik.
One thing led to the next and before we knew it,we had received complete sets of the first few batik-based designs, togetherwith ribbons - being Kyra’sfavourite feature, for thatlittle extra touch of prettiness.
MyPrettyPlay wasborn from a simple need for comfortable and stylish clothes for our daughter. These days, she doesn’t complainmuch that she can’t find anything nice to wear. But she does keep askingus for new designs and colours. Guess you can’t win them all, can you.